This Thursday we received several large shipments of tropical fish and fancy goldfish, which is perfect for stocking or refreshing your aquarium or pond ahead of the coming Thanksgiving holiday!
Full List of New Arrivals
Community Tropicals
GloFish Electric Green Tetra, GloFish Sunburst Orange Tetra, GloFish Starfire Red Tetra, GloFish Electric Green Danio, Large Neon Tetra, Assorted Platy, Large Male Veil Betta
Semi-Aggressive Tropicals
Blue Ram Cichlid, Gold Ram Cichlid, Electric Blue Ram Cichlid, Gold Severum, Blue Gourami, Gold Gourami, Platinum Gourami, Platinum Veil, Red Koi, Jet Black, Blue Pinoy Angelfish
Fancy Imported Goldfish
Red Oranda, Red Cap Oranda, Red & White Ryukin, Calico Ryukin, Red & White Bubble Eye, Red & White Pearl Scale, Red & Black Pearl Scale, Red & White Lion Head, Red & White Butterfly Tail, Red & Black Telescope Eye, Black Moor, Medium Red Cap Oranda, Red Oranda, Red & White Butterfly Tail
Aggressive Fish
Small Albino Oscar, Blue Maingano Cichlid, Rock Kribensis Cichlid
Bottom Feeders
Carbon Rili Shrimp, Red Crystal Shrimp, Black Crystal Shrimp, Assassin Snails, Small and Medium Plecostomus, Albino Bristlenose Pleco, Longfin Albino Bristlenose Plecostomus