New Fancy Goldfish, Shrimp, Tropical Fish and Aquarium Plants: 2/19/16

Over the last week, we’ve brought in lots of tropical fish from Florida and exotic goldfish from China, including Orandas, Pearl Scales, Lionheads, and more. Check out the full list below and come see them all for yourself this weekend!

February 17, 2016

Red Cap Oranda, Red & White Oranda, Red & White Ryukin, Calico Ryukin, Red & White Bubble Eye, Red & White Pearl Scale

Calico Pearl Scale, Red & Black Butterfly Tails, Black Moor

Red & White Oranda, Black Moor, Red & White Ranchu

Calico Oranda

Fancy Shrimp
Amano Shrimp, Carbon Rili Shrimp, Red Crystal Shrimp

February 12, 2016

Tropical Aquarium Fish
Medium-Large Marble Veil Angelfish, Orange Von Rio Tetra, Green Tiger Barb, Neon Rosey Barb, Male Cherry Barb, Moonlight Gourami, Electric Blue Texas Cichlid, Black Angelfish, Neon Mickey Mouse Platy, Pearl Zebra, Albino Red Blotch Cichlid, Gold Pike Cichlid

Aquarium Plants
Ambulia, Bacopa, Cabomba Furcata, Purple Waffle, Rotala Macrandra, Wisteria, Large Rangeri Sword, Large Anubias Barteri, Medium Anubias Nana, Large Anubias Nana ‘Petite’, Crypt. Parva, Crypt. Wendetii, Dwarf Subulata, Madagascar Lace, Moss Balls, Anubias Nana on Driftwood, Java Fern 1/2 Mat, Narrow Leaf Chain Sword